Angelica Gaborno
Clinical Training Instructor

Dinah Ramos
Clinical Training Instructor
Dinah is a graduate of HDAA. She’s been in the dental field since 2019. She is currently taking her Associates Degree in Liberal Arts at KCC. In the future, she plans to obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Hygiene. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge with dental assisting. Dinah believes that, believing in yourself is the most crucial part of achieving your dreams.

Dianne Puder
Clinical Training Instructor
Dianne Rose is an HDAA graduate of August Class 2019. She has actively worked in the Dental Assisting field for the past three years and joined the HDAA faculty in July 2021. Dianne Rose is currently working on her national Certification for Dental Assistant. She carries a bachelor’s degree in business administration, majoring in financial management from Surigao Del Sur State University, Philippines. Her passion through dental assisting has brought Dianne closer to her goals of sharing her knowledge and experience in the field to the student body at HDAA, to promote personal empowerment and leadership amongst every student class.

Jessica Paulo
Program Specialist/Clinical Training Instructor
Ms. Paulo worked for HDAA for 5 years. Her loved and compassion to help incoming students is one of her specialty. She was born and raised in the Philippines and graduated from Nanakuli High School. She graduated with Associates Degree at Kapi’olani Community College at the same year she also obtained her Certificate in Dental Assisting at Hawaii Dental Assisting Academy 2017. She is currently attending at UH West Oahu for her Bachelor in Arts of Public Administration.
On her spare time she loved to hike and spending time with family.

Mercie Uy
Chief Executive Officer/Founder